Date de publication : 21/10/2024
Ref. 294-156-64U


Présentation de l'entreprise :

We are the institutional representative of more than 45 million companies in over 100 countries with a mission to make business work for everyone, every day, everywhere.

Through a unique mix of advocacy, solutions and standard setting, we promote international trade, responsible business conduct and a global approach to regulation, in addition to providing market-leading dispute resolution services. Our members include many of the world’s leading companies, SMEs, business associations and local chambers of commerce.

We represent business interests at the highest levels of intergovernmental decision-making, whether at the World Trade Organization, the United Nations or the G20 – ensuring the voice of business is heard. It is this capacity to bridge the public and private sectors that sets us apart as a unique institution, responding to the needs of any stakeholder involved in international commerce.

ICC plays a vital role in scaling widespread action on Sustainable Development Goals and has a long history of formulating the voluntary rules by which business is conducted every day – from internationally recognised Incoterms® rules to the UCP 600 Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credit that are widely used in international finance.

In addition, we specialise in world-class business and legal training and are an industry-leading publisher of practical tools for international business, banking and arbitration.

So, from the small e-commerce start-up in Istanbul to the multinational software company in Delhi, businesses worldwide can benefit from ICC’s rules and mechanisms for the conduct of trade.

La Chambre de commerce internationale (ICC) est la représentante institutionnelle de plus de 45 millions d’entreprises dans plus de 100 pays. Notre mission est de mettre les entreprises et le commerce au service de chacun, chaque jour, et partout dans le monde. Grâce à un savant dosage entre la défense des intérêts de nos membres et l’élaboration de règles et de bonnes pratiques, nous contribuons à promouvoir le commerce international, une conduite responsable des entreprises et une approche globale en matière de régulation, tout en fournissant les services de résolution des litiges les plus réputés. Les plus grandes entreprises du monde, de nombreuses PME, des organisations professionnelles et des chambres de commerce locales sont nos membres.

Site Internet

Critères de l'offre

Île-de-France / 75016 - PARIS
Type de contrat : Stage - Durée : 6 mois
Métier : Juriste
Domaine(s) d'activité : Droit des affaires (général), Droit de la Compliance - Gestion des risques, Droit des sociétés - Corporate - M&A
Temps de travail : Temps Plein
Salaire : Moins de 25 K€
Date d'entrée en fonction : 01/01/2025

Profil du candidat

Expérience (Souhaité ): Débutant (moins d’un an)
Formation (Requis) : BAC +4 (Master 1)
Type de Formation (Requis) : CRFPA/Pré-CAPA, Master 1, Ecole de commerce
Compétences (Requis) : Droit des contrats - obligations, Droit civil (général)
Langues (Requis): Anglais, Français

Descriptif de l'offre

Tasks entrusted to the Trainee include:
-assisting in conducting compliance-related search and analysis based on publicly available international economic sanctions lists;
-reviewing, analyzing and commenting on legal documents in English and French;
-conducting comparative analyses of laws and policies;
-conducting research in public international law, commercial and contract laws;
-translating legal documents;
-performing ad hoc assignments as requested by the ICC Legal Services department.
The above functions should be performed at a level of complexity commensurate with the Trainee’s level of experience.
Consistent with business needs, the Trainee is expected to work with an as broad as possible range of internal and external counterparts.
Applicants should have strong academic credentials and prior professional experience in a legal and/or compliance department.
Fluency in English and French is essential.
Knowledge of other languages, especially Russian, Arabic or Spanish, may be an advantage.